owners manual Hyundai Kona
owners manual Hyundai Kona - year of production: 2017 - Hyundai Kona owners manual EN
pdf (35.23 MB) 523 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Kona, year of production 2017:
Driving your vehicle
If your trailer weighs more than the
WARNING If you tow a trailer with the max-
maximum trailer weight without trail-imum gross vehicle weight and
er brakes and you have dual clutch
maximum trailer weight, it can
Do not connect a trailer lighting transmission, you should drive in D
cause the engine or transmis-
system directly to your vehi-
(Drive) when towing a trailer.sion to overheat. When driving
cle's lighting system. Use an in such conditions, allow the
approved trailer wiring harness.Operating your vehicle in D (Drive)
engine to idle until it cools
when towing a trailer will minimize
Failure to do so could result in down.You may proceed once the
damage to the vehicle electricalheat build-up and extend the life of
your transmission. engine or transmission has
system and/or personal injury. cooled sufficiently.
Consult an authorized HYUNDAI When towing a trailer, your vehi-
dealer for assistance. NOTICE
cle speed may be much slower
To prevent engine and/or trans-
than the general flow of traffic,
Driving on hills mission overheating: especially when climbing an
uphill grade. Use the right hand
When towing a trailer on steep
Reduce speed and shift to a lower lane when towing a trailer on an
grades (in excess of 6%) pay
gear before you start down a long or uphill grade. Choose your vehi-
close attention to the engine
steep downgrade. If you don't shift cle speed according to the max-
coolant temperature gauge to
down, you might have to use your imum posted speed limit for
ensure the engine does not
brakes so much that they would get vehicles with trailers, the steep-
overheat. If the needle of the
overheated and may not operate effi- ness of the grade,and your trail-
coolant temperature gauge
ciently. er weight.
moves towards "H" (HOT), pull
On a long uphill grade, shift down
over and stop as soon as it is
Vehicles equipped with a dual
and reduce your speed to around 70 safe to do so, and allow the
clutch transmission when tow-
km/h (45 mph) to reduce the possi-
engine to idle until it cools
ing a trailer on steep grades,
bility of engine and transmission
down.You may proceed once theneed to be aware that the clutch
overheating. engine has cooled sufficiently.in the transmission could over-
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year of production from: 2017
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Hyundai Kona owners manual
pages 361 - 367
Hyundai Kona owners manual
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