owners manual Mercedes GL
owners manual Mercedes GL - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GL, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Driving instructions
Do not stop vehicle while immersed in Crossing obstaclesWhen driving over tree stumps, big rocks
water, and do not shut off the engine. and other obstacles, observe the following
!Do not open any of the vehicles doors while rules:
driving through water. Water could otherwise en- Make sure the off-road driving program
ter the vehicle interior and damage the vehicles ( page 279) or if equipped the LOW
electronics, as well as the interior equipment. RANGE mode* (page203) is
There is a very high level of driving re- switched on.
sistance in water. The surface is slip- Avoid high engine speeds.
pery and may not be firm, making Shift automatic transmission to
pulling away in water difficult and dan- position 1 ( page 200).
gerous. !Obstacles can damage the vehicle
Make sure that only small bow waves underbody or suspension components. If possi- Check the vehicle clearance before
are formed when driving the vehicle ble use the assistance of a second person out-crossing obstacles.
through water. side the vehicle to scout the path you intend to Cross obstacles (e.g. tree stumps or
take and check for adequate ground clearance big rocks) very slowly by aiming one of
Clean mud off the tire tread after driv-when you cross obstacles with your vehicle. The the front wheels at the center of the ob-
ing through water. person assisting you outside the vehicle should stacle, and repeat same with the rear
To dry the brakes, apply pressure to the always be a safe distance away from the vehicle
and positioned so that he or she cannot get hurt wheel.
brake pedal several times while driving in case of any unexpected vehicle movement.
after leaving the water. After off-road driving or crossing obstacles, in-!Special attention is needed when you cross
spect vehicle for any damage, especially vehicle obstacles on a steep incline.
underbody and suspension components. Failure The vehicle could slide sideways as a result of its
to do so can adversely affect the vehicles future possible slanted position which in turn may
performance, including increased chance of an result in the vehicle tipping or rolling over.
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year of production from: 2006
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Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual
pages 361 - 367
Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual
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