owners manual KIA Sportage
owners manual KIA Sportage - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Kia Sportage II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Sportage, year of production 2002 - 2010:
Thoroughly flush the vehicle under-
Bright-metal maintenance Aluminum wheel maintenance
body and wheel openings with luke-
• To remove road tar and insects, The aluminum wheels are coated
warm or cold water once a month,
use a tar remover, not a scraper or with a clear protective finish.
1 other sharp object. after off-road driving and at the end
• Do not use any abrasive cleaner,
of each winter. Pay special attention
• To protect the surfaces of bright- polishing compound, solvent, or
to these areas because it is difficult
2 metal parts from corrosion, apply a wire brushes on aluminum wheels.
to see all the mud and dirt. It will do
coating of wax or chrome preserv- They may scratch or damage the
more harm than good to wet down
ative and rub to a high luster. finish.
3 the road grime without removing it.
The lower edges of doors, rocker
• During winter weather or in coastal • Use only a mild soap or neutral
panels, and frame members have
areas, cover the bright metal parts detergent, and rinse thoroughly
drain holes that should not be
4 with a heavier coating of wax or with water. Also, be sure to clean
allowed to clog with dirt; trapped
preservative. If necessary, coat the the wheels after driving on salted
parts with non-corrosive petroleum water in these areas can cause rust- roads. This helps prevent corro-
5 jelly or other protective compound.ing. sion.
• Avoid washing the wheels with
6 Underbody maintenance WARNING high-speed car wash brushes.
• Do not use any cleaners containing
Corrosive materials used for ice and After washing the vehicle, test
acid or acid detergents. It may
the brakes while driving slowly
7 snow removal and dust control may damage and corrode the aluminum
to see if they have been affected
collect on the underbody. If these wheels coated with a clear protec-
by water.If braking performance
materials are not removed, acceler- tive finish.
8 ated rusting can occur on underbodyis impaired, dry the brakes by
applying them lightly while
parts such as the fuel lines, frame,
maintaining a slow forward
9 floor pan and exhaust system, even
though they have been treated with
rust protection.
7 52

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year of production from: 2002

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Kia Sportage II 2 owners manual
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