owners manual Subaru Outback
owners manual Subaru Outback - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Subaru Outback Legacy III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Outback, year of production 2004 - 2009:
11-14 Maintenance and service
Cooling system temperatures are not expected.&Engine coolant
Nevermixdifferent kinds of cool-
ant. ! Checking the coolant level
WARNING . Donotsplash the engine coolant
Never attempt to remove the radia-over painted parts. The alcohol
tor cap until the engine has beencontained in the engine coolant
shut off and has cooled downmaydamagethe paint surface.
completely. Since the coolant is
under pressure, you may suffer & Hose and connections
serious burns from a spray of boil-
ing hot coolant when the cap isYour vehicle employs an electric cooling
removed. fan which is thermostatically controlled to
operate when the engine coolant reaches
a specific temperature.
CAUTION If the radiator cooling fan does not operate
even when the engine coolant tempera-Check the coolant level at each fuel stop.
. The cooling system has beenture gauge exceeds the normal operating
filled at the factory with a highrange, the cooling fan circuit may be1. Check the coolant level on the outside
quality, corrosion-inhibiting,defective. Check the fuse and replace itof the reservoir while the engine is cool.
year-around coolant which pro-if necessary. If the fuse is not blown, have2. If the level is close to or lower than the
vides protection against freezingthe cooling system checked by your “LOW” level mark, add coolant up to the
down to −338F(−368C). For add-SUBARUdealer. “FULL” level mark. If the reserve tank is
ing, use genuine SUBARU cool- empty, remove the radiator cap and refill
ant or an equivalent: a mixture ofIf frequent addition of coolant is neces-as required.
50% soft water (or clear andsary, there may be a leak in the engine
drinkable water) and 50% phos-cooling system. It is recommended that
phate or non-amine type coolant.the cooling system and connections be
Use of improper coolants maychecked for leaks, damage, or looseness.
result in corrosion in the cooling
system. It is important to main-
tain protection against freezing
and corrosion, even if freezing
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year of production from: 2004
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Subaru Outback Legacy III 3 owners manual
pages 357 - 363
Subaru Outback Legacy III 3 owners manual
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