owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
● Besuretheseatbelttongueissecurely ● Once a seat belt pretensioner has acti-
fastened to the proper buckle. vated, it cannot be reused and must be
● Do not wear the seat belt inside out orreplaced together with the retractor.
twisted. Doing so may reduce its SeeyourNISSANdealer.
effectiveness. ● Removal and installation of preten-
● Do not allow more than one person tosioner system components should be
use the same seat belt. donebyaNISSANdealer.
● Never carry more people in the vehicle● All seat belt assemblies, including re-
than there are seat belts. tractorsandattachinghardware,should
be inspected after any collision by a
● If the seat belt warning light glows con-NISSAN dealer. NISSAN recommends
tinuously while the ignition is turnedthat all seat belt assemblies in use dur-
ON with all doors closed and all seating a collision be replaced unless the
SSS0014 belts fastened, it may indicate a mal-collision was minor and the belts show
functioninthesystem.Havethesystem no damage and continue to operate
WARNING checked by a NISSAN dealer. properly. Seat belt assemblies not in
● Always route the shoulder belt over● Nochangesshouldbemadetotheseat use during a collision should also be
your shoulder and across your chest.beltsystem.Forexample,donotmodify inspected and replaced if either dam-
Never put the belt behind your back,the seat belt, add material, or installageorimproperoperation is noted.
underyourarmoracrossyourneck.The devices that may change the seat belt● All child restraints and attaching hard-
belt should be away from your face androuting or tension. Doing so may affectwareshouldbeinspectedafteranycol-
neck, but not falling off your shoulder.the operation of the seat belt system.lision.Always follow the restraint
● Positionthelapbeltaslowandsnugas Modifying or tampering with the seatmanufacturer’s inspection instructions
possible AROUND THE HIPS, NOT THE belt system may result in serious per-and replacement recommendations.
WAIST. A lap belt worn too high couldsonal injury. The child restraints should be replaced
increase the risk of internal injuries in if they are damaged.
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-17

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year of production from: 2013

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