owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
• Never install a rear-facing child restraint sys-• Whenthechildrestraint system is not in use,• Check the child restraint in your vehicle to be
tem on the front passenger seat without firstkeepitsecuredwiththeISOFIXchildrestraintsure it is compatible with vehicle’s seat belt sys-
deactivating the passenger air bag with thesystem or a seat belt to prevent it from beingtem.
front passenger air bag switch (where fitted),thrown around in case of a sudden stop or• Refertothetableslaterinthissectionforalistof
see “Front passenger air bag switch (whereaccident. the recommended fitment positions and the ap-
fitted)” later in this section. In a frontal colli-NISSAN recommends that infants and small chil-proved child restraints for your vehicle.
sion, supplemental front-impact air bags in-dren be seated in a child restraint system. You
flate with great force. An inflating supplemen-should choose a child restraint system that fits your
tal front-impact air bag could seriously injurevehicle and always follow the manufacturer’s in-
or kill your child. structions for installation and use. In addition, there
• Adjustableseatbacksshouldbepositionedtoare many types of child restraint systems available
fit the child restraint system, but as upright asfor larger children that should be used for maximum
possible. protection.
• If the seat belt in the position where a childCAUTION
restraint systemisinstalledrequiresalockingRemember that a child restraint left in a closed
device and if it is not used, injuries could re-vehicle can become very hot. Check the seating
sult from a child restraint system tipping oversurface and buckles before placing your child in
during normal vehicle braking or cornering.a child restraint.
• Afterattaching a child restraint system, test itCHILDRESTRAINTANDISOFIX
before you place the child in it. Push it fromINFORMATION
side to side and tug it forward to make sure
that it is held securely in place. The child re-Whenselecting any child restraint, keep the follow-
straint system should not move more than 25ing points in mind:
mm(1in).Iftherestraintisnotsecure,tighten• Choose a child restraint that complies with the
thebeltasnecessary,orinstalltherestraintinlatest European safety standard, ECE Regula-
another seat and test it again.tion 44.04.
• If a child restraint system is not anchored• Place your child in the child restraint and check
properly, the risk of a child being injured in athe various adjustments to be sure the child re-
collision or a sudden stop greatly increases.straint is compatible with your child. Always fol-
• Improper use of a child restraint system canlow all of the recommended procedures.
increase the risk or severity of injury for both
the child and other occupants in the vehicle.
1-16 Safety — seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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