owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
– Infants and children should never be– Child restraint anchor points are de-This vehicle is equipped with a universal child
heldonanyone’slap.Eventhestron-signed to withstand loads from childrestraintanchorsystem,referredtoastheLATCH
gest adult cannot resist the forces ofrestraints that are properly fitted.(Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren) sys-
a collision. – Neverusetheanchorpointsforadulttem. Some child restraints include rigid or
– Donotputaseatbeltaroundbothaseat belts or harnesses.webbing-mountedattachmentsthatcanbecon-
child and another passenger. nected to these anchors. For additional informa-
– A child restraint with a top tethertion, refer to “LATCH (Lower Anchors and Teth-
– NISSAN recommends that all childstrap should not be used in the fronters for CHildren) system”in this section.
restraints be installed in the rearpassenger seat.If you do not have a LATCH compatible child
seat. Studies show that children are– Keep seatbacks as upright as pos-restraint, the vehicle seat belts can be used.
safer whenproperlyrestrainedinthesible after fitting the child restraint.
rear seat than in the front seat. If you Several manufacturers offer child restraints for
must install a forward-facing child– Infants and children should alwaysinfants and children of various sizes. When se-
restraint in the front seat, refer tobe placed in an appropriate child re-lecting any child restraint, keep the following
“Forward-facing child restraint in-straint while in the vehicle.points in mind:
stallation usingtheseatbelts”inthis● When the child restraint is not in use,
section. keep it secured with the LATCH system● Chooseonlyarestraintwithalabelcertifying
– Even with the NISSAN Advanced Airor a seat belt. In a sudden stop or colli-thatitcomplieswithCanadianMotorVehicle
Bag System, never install a rear-sion,looseobjectscaninjureoccupantsSafety Standard 213.
facingchildrestraintinthefrontseat.or damage the vehicle.● Checkthechildrestraintinyourvehicletobe
An inflating air bag could seriously sure it is compatible with the vehicle’s seat
injure or kill a child. A rear-facingCAUTIONand seat belt system.
child restraint must only be used inA child restraint in a closed vehicle can
the rear seat. become very hot. Check the seating sur-● If the child restraint is compatible with your
– Be sure to purchase a child restraintface and buckles before placing a child invehicle, place your child in the child restraint
that will fit the child and vehicle.the child restraint.and check the various adjustments to be
Some child restraints may not fit sure the child restraint is compatible with
properly in your vehicle. your child. Choose a child restraint that is
designed for your child’s height and weight.
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-19

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year of production from: 2013

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