owners manual Chevrolet Traverse
owners manual Chevrolet Traverse - year of production: 2008 - Chevrolet Traverse owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Traverse, year of production 2008:
Chevrolet Traverse Owner Manual - 2012 Black plate (4,1)
2-4 Keys, Doors, and Windows
SeeVehicle Personalization (With8(PowerLiftgate):Pressandreplacement can be purchased and
DIC Buttons) on page 5‑40forhold until the liftgate begins to moveprogrammedthrough your dealer.
additional information. to open or close the liftgate. TheWhenthereplacementtransmitter
PressingQ may arm the contenttaillamps flash and a chime soundsis programmed to this vehicle, all
theft‐deterrent system. Seeto indicate when the liftgate isremaining transmitters must also be
Anti-theft Alarm System onopening or closing. reprogrammed. Any lost or stolen
page 2‑13. L(VehicleLocator/Panic transmitters will no longer work
Alarm): Press and release toonce the new transmitter is
K(Unlock):Pressoncetounlocklocate the vehicle. The parkingprogrammed. Each vehicle can
only the driver door. IfK is pressedlamps flash and the horn soundshave up to eight transmitters
again within five seconds, allthree times. programmedtoit. See your dealer
remaining doors unlock. The interior to program transmitters to this
lamps come on and stay on forPress and holdL for more thanvehicle.
20seconds or until the ignition istwo seconds to activate the panicBattery Replacement
turned on. alarm. The parking lamps flash andReplace the battery if the REPLACE
If enabled through the DIC, thethe horn sounds repeatedly forBATTERYINREMOTEKEY
parking lamps flash twice to indicate30 seconds. The alarm turns offmessagedisplays in the DIC.
unlocking has occurred. SeeVehiclewhenthe ignition is moved to
Personalization (With DIC Buttons) ON/RUN orL is pressed again.Notice: When replacing the
on page 5‑40. The ignition must be in LOCK/OFFbattery, do not touch any of the
for the panic alarm to work.circuitry on the transmitter. Static
PressingK on the RKE transmitterProgramming Transmitters tofrom your body could damage the
disarms the content theft‐deterrent transmitter.
system. SeeAnti-theft Alarmthe Vehicle
System on page 2‑13. Only RKE transmitters programmed
to this vehicle will work. If a
transmitter is lost or stolen, a

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year of production from: 2008

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Chevrolet Traverse owners manual
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