owners manual Chevrolet Astro
owners manual Chevrolet Astro - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Chevrolet Astro II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Astro, year of production 1995 - 2005:
Vehicle Data Collection and Event To read this information, special equipment is needed
Data Recorders and access to the vehicle or the device that stores
the data is required. GM will not access information
Yourvehicle, like other modern motor vehicles, has aabout a crash event or share it with others other than:
numberofsophisticatedcomputersystemsthatmonitor• with the consent of the vehicle owner or, if the
andcontrol several aspects of the vehicle’s performance.vehicle is leased, with the consent of the lessee,
Yourvehicle uses on-board vehicle computers to monitor• in response to an official request of police or similar
emission control components to optimize fuel economy,government office,
to monitor conditions for airbag deployment and, if so• as part of GM’s defense of litigation through the
equipped, to provide anti-lock braking and to help thediscovery process, or
driver control the vehicle in difficult driving situations.
Someinformationmaybestoredduringregular• as required by law.
operations to facilitate repair of detected malfunctions;In addition, once GM collects or receives data, GM may:
other information is stored only in a crash event by
computersystems,suchasthosecommonlycalledevent• use the data for GM research needs,
data recorders (EDR). • make it available for research where appropriate
In a crash event, computer systems, such as the Airbagconfidentiality is to be maintained and need is
SensingandDiagnosticModule(SDM)inyourvehicleshown, or
mayrecordinformationabouttheconditionofthevehicle• share summary data which is not tied to a specific
andhowitwasoperated,suchasdatarelatedtoenginevehicle with non-GM organizations for research
speed,brakeapplication, throttle position, vehicle speed,purposes.
safety belt usage, airbag readiness, airbag performance,
andtheseverityofacollision. This information has beenOthers, such as law enforcement, may have access to
usedtoimprovevehiclecrashperformanceandmaybethe special equipment that can read the information
usedtoimprovecrashperformanceoffuturevehiclesif they have access to the vehicle or the device
anddriving safety. Unlike the data recorders on manythat stores the data.
airplanes, these on-board systems do not record sounds,

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year of production from: 1995

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Chevrolet Astro II 2 owners manual
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