owners manual Toyota RAV4
owners manual Toyota RAV4 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Toyota RAV4 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Toyota RAV4, year of production 2005 - 2012:
’07 Rav4_U (L/O 0701)
If you have a flat tire—
1. Reduce your speed gradually, CAUTION Make sure to set the jack prop-
keeping a straight line. Move cau- erly in the jack point. Raising
tiously off the road to a safe place When jacking, be sure to observethe vehicle with jack improper-
well away from the traffic. Avoidthe following to reduce the possi-ly positioned will damage the
stopping on the center divider of
bility of death or serious injury:vehicle or may allow the ve-
a highway. Park on a level spot hicle to fall off the jack and
with firm ground. Follow jacking instructions. cause personal injury.
2. Stop the engine and turn on your Do not put any part of your
emergency flashers. body under the vehicle sup- Never get under the vehicle
3. Firmly set the parking brake andported by the jack. Otherwise, when the vehicle is supported
put the transmission in “P”. personal injury may occur. by the jack alone.
Do not start or run the engine Use the jack only for lifting
4. Have everyone get out of the ve- your vehicle during wheel
hicle on the side away from traffic.while your vehicle is supportedchanging.
by the jack.
5. Read the following instructions Do not raise the vehicle with
thoroughly. Stop the vehicle on a level firmsomeone in the vehicle.
ground, firmly set the parking
brake and put the transmission When raising the vehicle, do
in “P”. Block the wheel diago- not place any objects on top
nally opposite to the one being of or underneath the jack.
changed if necessary. Raise the vehicle only high
enough to remove and change
the tire.
2007 RAV4 from Dec. ’06 Prod. (OM42662U)
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year of production from: 2005
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