owners manual Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback
owners manual Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback VIII 8 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback, year of production 2007 - 2016:
BK0151000US.book 259 ページ 㧞㧜㧝㧞年㧟月㧞㧥日 木曜日 午後6時㧤分
Features and controls
Setting the passcode Entering the passcode
Use the following procedure to turn on the security function byIf a passcode has been set and the security function is enabled,
setting a passcode. the voice guide will say “Hands-free system is locked. State the
1. Press the SPEECH button. passcode to continue” when the SPEECH button is pressed to
2. Say “Setup.” enter voice recognition mode. Say the 4-digit passcode number
3. Say “Passcode.” to enter the passcode.
4. The voice guide will say “Passcode is disabled. WouldIf the entered passcode is wrong, the voice guide will say “<4-
you like to enable it?” Answer “Yes.” digit passcode>, Incorrect passcode. Please try again.” Enter
the correct passcode.
Answer “No” to cancel the setting of the passcode and
return to the main menu. NOTE
5. The voice guide will say “Please say a 4-digit passcode. ● You can reenter the passcode as many times as you want.
●If you have forgotten your passcode, say “Cancel” to quit
Remember this passcode. It will be required to use this
system.” the voice input mode and then check with an authorized
Say a 4-digit number which you want to set as a passcode.Mitsubishi Motors dealer. 3
6. For confirmation purposes, the voice guide will say “Pass-Disabling the passcode
code <4-digit passcode>. Is this correct?” Answer “Yes.”Use the following procedure to turn off the security function by
Answer “No” to return to the passcode input in Step 5. disabling the passcode.
7. When the registration of the passcode is completed, the
voice guide will say “Passcode is enabled” and the systemNOTE
will return to the main menu. ●System must be unlocked to disable the passcode.
NOTE 1. Press the SPEECH button.
●Passcode will be required to access the system after the
next ignition cycle. 2. Say “Setup.”
●It is required for a little time after engine stop that the 3. Say “Passcode.”
entered passcode is actually recorded in the system.4. The voice guide will say “Passcode is enabled. Would you
If the ignition switch is made to “ACC” or “ON” or thelike to disable it?” Answer “Yes.”
engine is started immediately after engine stop, there is aAnswer “No” to cancel the disabling of the passcode and
case when the entered passcode is not recorded in the sys-return to the main menu.
tem. At this time, please try to enter the passcode again.5. When the disabling of the passcode is completed, the
voice guide will say “Passcode is disabled” and the sys-
tem will return to the main menu.
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year of production from: 2007
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Mitsubishi Lancer Sportback VIII 8 owners manual
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