owners manual Hummer H3
owners manual Hummer H3 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Hummer H3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hummer H3, year of production 2005 - 2010:
If any of the soil remains, a commercial fabric cleaner or
Fabric/Carpet spot lifter may be necessary. When a commercial
Useavacuumcleanerwithasoftbrushattachmentupholstery cleaner or spot lifter is to be used, test a
frequently to remove dust and loose dirt. A canistersmall hidden area for colorfastness first. If the locally
vacuumwithabeaterbarinthenozzlemayonlybeusedcleaned area gives any impression that a ring formation
onfloorcarpetandcarpetedfloormats.Forsoils,alwaysmay result, clean the entire surface.
try to remove them first with plain water or club soda.After the cleaning process has been completed, a paper
Before cleaning, gently remove as much of the soil astowel can be used to blot excess moisture from the
possible using one of the following techniques:fabric or carpet.
• Forliquids: gently blot the remaining soil with a paper
towel. Allow the soil to absorb into the paper towelLeather
until no more can be removed.
• Forsoliddrysoils: remove as much as possible andAsoft cloth dampened with water can be used to
then vacuum. remove dust. If a more thorough cleaning is necessary,
To clean, use the following instructions:a soft cloth dampened with a mild soap solution can
be used. Allow the leather to dry naturally. Do not use
1. Saturate a lint-free, clean white cloth with water orheat to dry. Never use steam to clean leather. Never
club soda. use spot lifters or spot removers on leather. Many
2. Wring the cloth to remove excess moisture.commercial leather cleaners and coatings that are sold
to preserve and protect leather may permanently
3. Start on the outside edge of the soil and gently rubchange the appearance and feel of your leather and are
toward the center. Continue cleaning, using a cleannot recommended. Do not use silicone or wax-based
area of the cloth each time it becomes soiled.products, or those containing organic solvents to clean
4. Continue to gently rub the soiled area until theyour vehicle’s interior because they can alter the
cleaning cloth remains clean.appearance by increasing the gloss in a non-uniform
5. If the soil is not completely removed, use a mildmanner. Never use shoe polish on leather.
soap solution and repeat the cleaning process
that was used with plain water.
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year of production from: 2005
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