owners manual Jeep Patriot
owners manual Jeep Patriot - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015 - Jeep Patriot owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Patriot, year of production 2013 - 2015:
Hill Descent Control (HDC) – If EquippedOff”buttonforfiveseconds.Referto“ElectronicStability
This system maintains vehicle speed while descendingControl (ESC)” in this section of the manual.
hills during off-road driving situations. HDC will auto-HDCoperationcanbeoverriddenwithbrakeapplication
matically apply the brakes to control downhill speed toto slow the vehicle down below the HDC control speed.
between4mph(7km/h)and6mph(9km/h)depending Conversely,ifmorespeedisdesiredduringHDCcontrol,
onterrain. The system is activated by placing the vehiclethe accelerator pedal will increase vehicle speed like
in “Off-Road” mode and placing the shift lever in LOWnormal. When either the brake or the accelerator is
or REVERSE. Refer to “Safe Off-Road Driving” in “Start-released, HDC will control the vehicle back to the origi-
ing and Operating” for further information.nal set speed. 5
When HDC is properly enabled, the “Hill HDC is only intended for low speed off-road driving. At
DecentControlLight”intheinstrumentclustervehicle speeds above 31 mph (50 km/h) HDC will no
will be illuminated. longer function. If the “HDC Indicator Light” begins to
HDC has the capability to sense terrain and will onlyflash this indicates that the brakes are getting too hot and
activate when the vehicle is descending a hill. It will notthe vehicle should be stopped to allow the brakes to cool.
activate on level ground. If desired, HDC can be fully
deactivated by putting the vehicle into ESC “Full Off”
mode. This is done by pressing and holding the “ESC

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year of production from: 2013

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Jeep Patriot owners manual
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Jeep Patriot owners manual
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