owners manual Chevrolet Traverse
owners manual Chevrolet Traverse - year of production: 2008 - Chevrolet Traverse owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Traverse, year of production 2008:
Chevrolet Traverse Owner Manual - 2012 Black plate (50,1)
10-50 Vehicle Care
Parking for an extended period cantraction control, and tire{WARNING
cause flat spots on the tires thatpressure monitoring
mayresult in vibrations whileperformance. GM's TPC SpecTires could explode during
driving. When storing a vehicle fornumber is molded onto the tire'simproper service. Attempting to
at least a month, remove the tires orsidewall near the tire size. If themount or dismount a tire could
raise the vehicle to reduce thetires have an all‐season tread
weight from the tires. cause injury or death. Only your
design, the TPC Spec numberdealer or authorized tire service
Buying New Tires will be followed by MS for mudcenter should mount or dismount
and snow. SeeTire Sidewall the tires.
GMhasdevelopedandmatched Labelingonpage10‑37for
specific tires for the vehicle. Theadditional information.
original equipment tires installed GM recommends replacing all{WARNING
were designed to meet Generalthe tires at the same time.
Motors Tire Performance Uniform tread depth on all tiresMixing tires of different sizes,
Criteria Specification (TPCwill help to maintain the brands, or types may cause
Spec) system rating. When performance of the vehicle.loss of control of the vehicle,
replacement tires are needed,Braking and handling resulting in a crash or other
GMstrongly recommends performance may be adverselyvehicle damage. Use the
buying tires with the same affected if all the tires are notcorrect size, brand, and type
TPCSpecrating. replaced at the same time. Seeof tires on all wheels.
GM's exclusive TPC Spec Tire Inspection on page 10‑47
system considers over a dozenandTire Rotation on page 10‑48
critical specifications that impact for information on proper tire
the overall performance of therotation.
vehicle, including brake system
performance, ride and handling,

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year of production from: 2008

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Chevrolet Traverse owners manual
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