owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
WARNING WARNING ● Periodically check to see that the seat
● After adjustment, release the adjust-● OnlyNISSANseatbeltextenders,madebuckles, tongues, retractors, flexible wires
mentbuttonandtrytomovetheshoul-by the same company which made theand anchors, work properly. If loose parts,
der belt anchor up and down to makeoriginal equipment seat belts, shoulddeterioration, cuts or other damage on the
sure it is securely fixed in position.beusedwithNISSANseatbelts.webbing is found, the entire seat belt as-
● Theshoulderbeltanchorheightshould● Adults and children who can use thesembly should be replaced.
beadjustedtothepositionbestforyou.standard seat belt should not use an
Failure to do so may reduce the effec-extender. Such unnecessary use could
tiveness of the entire restraint systemresult in serious personal injury in the
and increase the chance or severity ofevent of an accident.
injury in an accident. ● Never use seat belt extenders to install
SEATBELTEXTENDERS child restraints. If the child restraint is
If, because of body size or driving position, it isseriously injured or killed in a collision
not possible to properly fit the lap/shoulder beltor a sudden stop.
andfasten it, an extender that is compatible withSEATBELTMAINTENANCE
the installed seat belts is available for purchase.
The extender adds approximately 8 in (200 mm)● Toclean the seat belt webbing, apply a
of length and may be used for either the driver ormild soap solution or any solution recom-
front passenger seating position. It is recom-mended for cleaning upholstery or carpet.
mendedyouvisitaNISSANdealerforassistanceThen wipe with a cloth and allow the seat
with purchasing an extender if an extender isbelts to dry in the shade. Do not allow the
required. seatbeltstoretractuntil they are completely
● If dirt builds up in the shoulder belt
guide of the seat belt anchors, the seat
belts may retract slowly. Wipe the shoulder
belt guide with a clean, dry cloth.
1-18 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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