owners manual Nissan 350Z
owners manual Nissan 350Z - year of production: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Nissan 350Z Fairlady Z owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan 350Z, year of production 2002 - 2009:
vehicle, place your child in the child restraint
possible for even the strongest adultseatback). Otherwise, the child restraintandcheckthevariousadjustmentstobesure
to resist the forces of a severe acci-may be damaged. See “Tilting and re-the child restraint is compatible with your
dent. The child could be crushed be-clining passenger’s seat from driver’schild. Choose a child restraint that is de-
tween the adult and parts of the ve-seat” earlier in this section for detailedsigned for your child’s height and weight.
hicle. Also, do not put the same seatinformation.Always follow all recommended procedures.
belt around both your child and your- All US states and Canadian provinces re-
self. In general, child restraints are designed to bequire that infants and small children be
Never install a child restraint in theinstalled with the lap portion of a lap/shoulderrestrained in approved child restraints at
front seat unless an air bag ON/OFFseat belt. all times while the vehicle is being oper-
switch has been installed and the airThe proper restraint depends on the child’s size.ated.
bag has been turned OFF. An inflat-Generally, infants (up to about 1 year and less
ing supplemental air bag could seri-than 20 lb(9kg))shouldbeplacedinrearfacingWARNING
ously injure or kill your child.child restraints. Front facing child restraints are
An improperly installed child re-available for children who outgrow rear facing Improper use of a child restraint can
straint could lead to serious injury orchild restraints.increase the risk or severity of injury
death in an accident. Childrestraints for infants and children of variousfor both the child and other occu-
sizes are offered by several manufacturers.pants of the vehicle.
When selecting any child restraint, keep the
following points in mind: Followallofthechildrestraintmanu-
CAUTION choose only a restraint with a label certifyingfacturer’s instructions for installation
that it complies with Federal Motor Vehicleand use. When purchasing a child
For Roadster models, when installing aSafety Standard 213 or Canadian Motorrestraint, be sure to select one which
child restraint, be sure to turn off theVehicle Safety Standard 213.will fit your child and vehicle. It may
automatic passenger seatback tilt func- check the child restraint in your vehicle to benot be possible to properly install
tion with the seatback tilt cancel switchsure it is compatible with the vehicle’s seatsometypesofchildrestraints in your
(located on the back of the passengerand seat belt system.vehicle.
if the child restraint is compatible with your
1-18 Safety — Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system
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year of production from: 2002
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