owners manual Chevrolet Traverse
owners manual Chevrolet Traverse - year of production: 2008 - Chevrolet Traverse owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Traverse, year of production 2008:
Chevrolet Traverse Owner Manual - 2012 Black plate (46,1)
10-46 Vehicle Care
CompressorKit on page 10‑57for successfully. See "TPMS Sensor could prevent the TPMS from
information regarding the inflator kit Matching Process" later in this functioning properly. SeeBuying
materials and instructions. section. NewTires on page 10‑50.
TPMSMalfunction Light and . The TPMSsensormatching . Operating electronic devices or
Message process was not done or not being near facilities using radio
completed successfully after wavefrequencies similar to the
The TPMSwill not function properly rotating the tires. The TPMScouldcausetheTPMS
if one or more of the TPMS sensors malfunction light and the DIC sensors to malfunction.
are missing or inoperable. When the messageshould go off after If the TPMS is not functioning
system detects a malfunction, the successfully completing the properly, it cannot detect or signal a
low tire warning light flashes for sensor matching process. See low tire condition. See your dealer
about one minute and then stays "TPMSSensorMatching for service if the TPMS malfunction
on for the remainder of the ignition Process" later in this section light and DIC message comes on
cycle. A DIC warning message also . OneormoreTPMSsensors and stays on.
displays. The malfunction light and are missing or damaged. The
DIC warning message come on at malfunction light and the DIC TPMSSensorMatching
each ignition cycle until the problem messageshould go off when the Process
is corrected. Some of the conditions TPMSsensorsareinstalled and
that can cause these to come Each TPMSsensorhasaunique
on are: the sensor matching process is identification code. The identification
performed successfully. See code needs to be matched to a new
. Oneofthe road tires has been your dealer for service. tire/wheel position after rotating the
replaced with the spare tire. . Replacement tires or wheels do tires or replacing one or more of the
The spare tire does not have a not match the original equipment TPMS sensors. The TPMS sensor
TPMSsensor.Themalfunction tires or wheels. Tires and wheels matching process should also be
light and DIC message should other than those recommended performed after replacing a spare
go off after the road tire is tire with a road tire containing the
replaced and the sensor TPMSsensor.Themalfunction light
matching process is performed and the DIC message should go off

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year of production from: 2008

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Chevrolet Traverse owners manual
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