owners manual Chevrolet Astro
owners manual Chevrolet Astro - year of production: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Chevrolet Astro II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Astro, year of production 1995 - 2005:
Part C: Periodic Maintenance Exhaust System Inspection
Inspections Inspect the complete exhaust system. Inspect the body
Listed in this part are inspections and services whichnear the exhaust system. Look for broken, damaged,
should be performed at least twice a year (for instance,missing or out-of-position parts as well as open seams,
each spring and fall). You should let your dealer’sholes, loose connections or other conditions which
service department do these jobs. Make sure anycould cause a heat build-up in the floor pan or could let
necessary repairs are completed at once.exhaust fumes into the vehicle. See Engine Exhaust
on page 2-26.
Proper procedures to perform these services may be
found in a service manual. See Service PublicationsFuel System Inspection
Ordering Information on page 7-12.
Steering, Suspension and Front Inspect the complete fuel system for damage or leaks.
Drive Axle Boot and Seal Inspection Engine Cooling System Inspection
Inspect the front and rear suspension and steeringInspect the hoses and have them replaced if they
system for damaged, loose or missing parts, signs ofare cracked, swollen or deteriorated. Inspect all pipes,
wear or lack of lubrication. Inspect the power steeringfittings and clamps; replace as needed. Clean the
lines and hoses for proper hook-up, binding, leaks,outside of the radiator and air conditioning condenser.
cracks, chafing, etc. Clean and then inspect the driveTo help ensure proper operation, a pressure test of
axle boot seals for damage, tears or leakage. Replacethe cooling system and pressure cap is recommended
seals if necessary. at least once a year.

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year of production from: 1995

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Chevrolet Astro II 2 owners manual
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