owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
4. Lower the vehicle slowly until the tireWheelnuttightening torque:To start your engine with a booster battery, the
touches the ground. Then, with the wheel83 ft-lb (113 N·m) instructions and precautions below must be fol-
nut wrench, tighten the wheel nuts securely lowed.
in the sequence illustrated ( A , B , C , D ,The wheel nuts must be kept tightened to
E ). Lower the vehicle completely.specification at all times. It is recom-
5. Securely store the jacking equipment in themended that wheel nuts be tightened to● If done incorrectly, jump starting can
vehicle. When storing the tool kit, it is re-specifications at each lubrication interval.lead to a battery explosion, resulting in
questedtotightenthebagsecurelywiththeAdjust tire pressure to the COLD pressure.severe injury or death. It could also
attached band to prevent movement of theCOLD pressure: After vehicle has beendamageyourvehicle.
tools, otherwise noise may occur.parked for 3 hours or more or driven less● Explosive hydrogen gas is always pres-
WARNING than 1 mile (1.6 km). entinthevicinityofthebattery.Keepall
COLDtire pressures are shown on the tiresparks and flames away from the
● Incorrect wheel nuts or improperlyandloadinginformationlabelaffixedtothebattery.
tightened wheel nuts can cause thedriver side center pillar. ● Do not allow battery fluid to come into
wheel to become loose or come off. contact with eyes, skin, clothing or
This could cause an accident. painted surfaces. Battery fluid is a cor-
● Do not use oil or grease on the wheel rosive sulfuric acid solution which can
studsornuts.Thiscouldcausethenuts cause severe burns. If the fluid should
to become loose. comeintocontactwithanything,imme-
● Retighten the wheel nuts when the ve- diately flush the contacted area with
hicle has been driven for 600 miles water.
(1,000 km) (also in cases of a flat tire, ● Keep battery out of the reach of
etc.). children.
Assoonaspossible,tightenthewheelnuts ● The booster battery must be rated at
to the specified torque with a torque 12 volts. Use of an improperly rated
wrench. battery can damage your vehicle.
6-10 Incaseofemergency

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year of production from: 2013

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