text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 508, year of production 2010:
Alphabetical index
Levels and checks 221-227Navigation .259, 260Radio .287, 288, 311
Lighting bulbs Number plate lamps 200Range, AdBlue 231
(replacement) 192, 197, 198, 200Rear foglamp. 197, 198
Lighting control stalk .136, 140Rear screen (demisting) 98
Lighting, guide-me home 140, 141Recharging the battery .205
LLLigigighhhtititinnnggg,,, i i innnttteeerrriiiororor 151, 152Reduction of electrical load 207
LLLiiighghghtttiiinnnggg o o onnn re re remimiminnndedederrr . . 138O Refilling AdBlue.230, 232-234
Loading . 20, 214Oil change .225Regeneration of the particle
Load reduction mode 207Oil consumption 225eeemimimissssisisiooonnnsss f f filililttteeerrr 228
LLLoooaaad sd sd spppaaaccce ce ce covovoveeerrr 82OOOililil f f filililttteeerrr 228Reinitialising the remote
Locating your vehicle 49Oil level37, 225control .50, 51
Long objects, transporting 79Opening the boot 43, 46, 57Remote control 43-45, 47, 52
Luggage retaining strap 80, 81Opening the doors 43Removable screen
Opening the panoramic sunroof blind 63(snow shield) .212
Operation indicator lamps 23, 25, 27, 29Removing a wheel 188
Removing the mat .78
Repair kit, puncture .179
M Replacing bulbs 192, 197, 198, 200
Main beam .136, 192-194, 196Replacing fuses 201
Maintenance .20RRRepepeplllaaaccciiingngng t t thehehe a a aiiirrr f f fiiillltttererer . .228
Map reading lamps .151P RRRepepeplllaaaccciiingngng t t thehehe o o oiiilll f f fiiillltttererer 228
Markings, identification .247Paint colour code 247Replacing the passenger
Massage function .71PPPanananooorrramamamiiiccc g g glalalassssss s s suuunnnrrroooooofff 63cccooommmparparpartttmmmeeennnttt f f fiiilllttteeerrr 228
Mat 78Parking brake 106, 110, 229Replacing wiper blades.150, 209
Menu, main .310Parking brake, electric 103RRReeesesesettttttiiingngng t t thehehe ser ser servvviiiccceee i i indndndiiicccaaatttooorrr . .36
Mini fuel level 64Parking lamps .140Reversing lamp .197, 198
Mirror, rear view 76Parking sensors, front .133Roof bars .214
Mirrors, door74, 75Parking sensors, rear132Roof blind 63
Motorised boot 58, 59Parking space sensor 134Routine checks 228, 229
Motorway function PPPaaarrrtttiiicccllleee e e emimimissssisisiooonnn f f filililttteeerrr 227, 228Running out of fuel (Diesel) 219, 220
(direction indicators) .165PPPaaassssengsengsengererer c c cooommmpppaaarrrtttmmmenenenttt f f fiiillltttererer 228
MP3 CD .315, 316PEUGEOT Connect Navigation (RT6) . 253
Music media players .290PEUGEOT CONNECT SOS .250S
Player, CD MP3 .315, 316
Port, USB 79, 317Safety for children .164
Priming the fuel system 219Screen, colour and
Programmable heating (Webasto)99mapping 257, 298
Protecting Screen, instrument panel 23, 38
children 153, 154, 157, 160-162, 175
Puncture 179Screen menu map 298, 330.
Screen, monochrome .310, 330339
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