owners manual Jeep Patriot
owners manual Jeep Patriot - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015 - Jeep Patriot owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Patriot, year of production 2013 - 2015:
be attempted when necessary in a safe responsible man-CAUTION!
ner. You should only drive through areas which are
designated and approved. You should tread lightly andWater ingestion into the transaxle, transfer case,
avoid damage to the environment. You should knowengine or vehicle interior can occur if you drive too
your vehicles abilities and be able to recover it if some-fast or through too deep of water. Water can cause
thing goes wrong. You should never stop or shut apermanent damage to engine, driveline or other
vehicle off when crossing deep water unless you ingestedvehicle components and your brakes will be less
water into the engine air intake. If the engine stalls, doeffective once wet and/or muddy.
not attempt to restart it. Determine if it has ingested
water first. The key to any crossing is low and slow. YouBefore You Cross Any Type Of Water
want to use low (L Off-Road) with the 4WD LOCK As you approach any type of water, you need to deter-
engaged and proceed very slowly with a constant slowmine if you can cross it safely and responsibly. If neces-
speed{3-5 mph(5–8km/h)maximum}andlightthrottle. sary,getoutandwalkthroughthewaterorprobeitwith
Keepthevehiclemoving;donottrytoacceleratethrough a stick. You need to be sure of its depth, approach angle,
the crossing. After crossing any water higher than thecurrent and bottom condition. Be careful of murky or
bottom of the axle differentials, you should inspect all ofmuddy waters; check for hidden obstacles. Make sure
the vehicle fluids for signs of water ingestion.you will not be intruding on any wildlife, and you can
recover the vehicle if necessary. The key to a safe crossing
is the water depth, current and bottom conditions. On

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year of production from: 2013

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Jeep Patriot owners manual
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Jeep Patriot owners manual
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