owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● As there is a performance limit to the● The system may not detect the vehicle● Do not use the ICC system if you are
distance control function, never relyinfrontofyouincertainroadorweathertowing a trailer. The system may not
solely on the ICC system. This systemconditions. To avoid accidents, neverdetect a vehicle ahead.
doesnotcorrectcareless,inattentiveorusetheICCsystemunderthefollowing● In some road or traffic conditions, a
absentminded driving, or overcomeconditions: vehicle or object can unexpectedly
poor visibility in rain, fog, or other bad– Onroadswherethetrafficisheavyorcome into the sensor detection zone
weather. Decelerate the vehicle speedthere are sharp curvesand cause automatic braking. Always
bydepressingthebrakepedal,depend- stay alert and avoid using the ICC sys-
ingonthedistancetothevehicleahead– Onslipperyroadsurfacessuchasontem where not recommended in this
and the surrounding circumstances inice or snow, etc.warning section.
order to maintain a safe distance be-– During bad weather (rain, fog, snow,
tween vehicles. etc.) The radar sensor will not detect the following
● Ifthevehicleaheadcomestoastop,the– Whenrain,snowordirtadheretotheobjects:
vehicledecelerates to a standstillbumperaroundthedistancesensor● Stationary and slow moving vehicles
system will cancel once it judges that– Onsteepdownhillroads(thevehicle● Pedestrians or objects in the roadway
thevehiclehascometoastandstillandmaygobeyondthesetvehiclespeed● Oncomingvehicles in the same lane
sound a warning chime. To prevent theand frequent braking may result in
vehicle from moving, the driver mustoverheating the brakes)● Motorcyclestravelingoffsetinthetravellane
depress the brake pedal.– On repeated uphill and downhillThe following are some conditions in which the
● Alwayspayattentiontotheoperationofroads sensor cannot properly detect a vehicle ahead
the vehicle and be ready to manually– Whentraffic conditions make it diffi-and the system may not operate properly:
control the proper following distance.cult to keep a proper distance be-
The ICC system may not be able totween vehicles because of frequent● When snow or road spray from traveling
maintaintheselecteddistancebetweenacceleration or decelerationvehicles reduces the sensor’s detection.
vehicles (following distance) or se- ● Whenexcessivelyheavybaggageinloaded
lectedvehiclespeed under some– Interference by other radar sources.in the rear seat or the trunk of your vehicle.
5-52 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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