owners manual Subaru Impreza
owners manual Subaru Impreza - year of production: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - Subaru Impreza IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Impreza, year of production 2011 - 2016:
Black plate (376,1)
9-6 Incaseofemergency
8. LoosenthewheelnutsusingthewheelTurn the jackscrew by hand until the jack
nut wrench but do not remove the nuts.headengagesfirmlyintothejack-uppoint.
2)Valve hole
7. If your vehicle has wheel covers, insertJack-up points10.Insert the jack handle into the jack-
a flat-head screwdriver into the notch on9. Place the jack under the side sill at thescrew, and turn the handle until the tire
the opposite side of the valve hole and pryfront or rear jack-up point closest to the flatclears the ground. Do not raise the vehicle
the wheel cover to remove it.tire. higher than necessary.
11. Remove the wheel nuts and the flat
北米Model "A1120BE-B" EDITED: 2011/ 10/ 28
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year of production from: 2011
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Subaru Impreza IV 4 owners manual
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Subaru Impreza IV 4 owners manual
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