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owners manual Alfa Romeo 159

owners manual Alfa Romeo 159 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Alfa Romeo 159 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (4.75 MB) 338 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 159, year of production 2005 - 2011:
323-336 Alfa 159 GB 21-06-2010 10:37 Pagina 335 Oil change? The experts recommend Selenia The engine of your car is factory filled with Selenia. This is an engine oil range which satisfies the most advanced international specifications. Its superior technical characteristics allow Selenia to guarantee the highest performance and protection of your engine. The Selenia range includes a number of technologically advanced products: SELENIA SPORT SELENIA StAR PURE ENERGY Fully synthetic lubricant capable of meeting the needs of Synthetic lubricant designed for petrol engines that need high performance engines. products with a low ash content. It maximises the Studied to protect the engine also in high thermal stress characteristics of engines with high specific power, conditions, it prevents deposits on the turbine to achieve protects the parts mostly subjected to stress and helps the utmost performance in total safety. to keep modern catalysts clean. SELENIA WR PURE ENERGY SELENIA RACING Fully synthetic lubricant that can meet the requirements of This lubricant has been developed as a result of Selenia’s the latest diesel engines. extensive experience in track and rally competitions, Low ash content to protect the particulate filter from the it maximises engine performance in all kinds of residual products of combustion. High Fuel Economy competition use. System that allows considerable fuel saving. It reduces the danger of dirtying the turbine to ensure the The range also includes K Pure Energy, Selenia Digitech, protection of increasingly high performance diesel Selenia Multipower, Selenia 20K, Selenia 20K AR. engines For further information on Selenia products visit the web site www.selenia.com Pagine_ITA.indd 4 18-05-2005 11:54:19
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year of production from: 2005

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