owners manual Subaru Tribeca
owners manual Subaru Tribeca - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 - Subaru Tribeca owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Tribeca, year of production 2005 - 2014:
Maintenance and service 11-3
Maintenance schedule Maintenance precautions . Always be very careful to avoid
injury when working on the vehi-
The scheduled maintenance items re-When maintenance and service are re-cle. Remember that some of the
quired to be serviced at regular intervalsquired, it is recommended that all work bematerials in the vehicle may be
are shown in the “Warranty and Main-done by an authorized SUBARU dealer.hazardous if improperly used or
tenance Booklet”. handled, for example, battery
If you perform maintenance and serviceacid.
For details of your maintenance schedule,byyourself, you should familiarize yourself. Your vehicle should only be ser-
read the separate “Warranty and Main-with the information provided in thisviced by persons fully competent
tenance Booklet”. section on general maintenance andto do so. Serious personal injury
service for your SUBARU. mayresult to persons not experi-
Incorrect or incomplete service couldenced in servicing vehicles.
cause improper or unsafe vehicle opera-. Always use the proper tools and
tion. Any problems caused by impropermake certain that they are well
maintenance and service performed bymaintained.
you are not eligible for warranty coverage Never get under the vehicle sup-
WARNING portedonlybyajack.Alwaysuse
a safety stands to support the
. Testing of an All-Wheel Drive vehicle.
model must NEVER be per- . Never keep the engine running in
formed on a single two-wheel a poorly ventilated area, such as
dynamometer or similar appara-a garage or other closed areas.
tus. Attempting to do so will. Do not smoke or allow open
result in transmission damage flames around the fuel or battery.
and in uncontrolled vehicle This will cause a fire.
movement and may cause an
accident or injuries to persons. Becausethefuel system is under
nearby. pressure, replacement of the fuel
. Always select a safe area whenfilter should be performed only
performing maintenance on yourby your SUBARU dealer.
vehicle. . Wear adequate eye protection to

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year of production from: 2005

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Subaru Tribeca owners manual
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