owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● WhentheshiftleverisnotintheD(Drive)or NOTE:
L (Low) mode ● The stoplights of the vehicle come on
● Whentheparkingbrakeisapplied when braking is performed by the ICC
● Whenthebrakesareoperatedbythedriver system.
Whenthe COAST/SET switch is pushed under ● Whenthebrakeoperates,anoisemay
the following conditions, the system cannot be beheard. This is not a malfunction.
set. When a vehicle ahead is detected, the vehicle
A warning chime will sound and a message will ahead detection indicator comes on. The ICC
popup: system will also display the set speed and se-
lected distance.
● WhentheVDCsystemisoff(TousetheICC Vehicle ahead not detected
system, turn on the VDC system. Push the
CRUISEON/OFFswitchtoturnofftheICC LSD2566 Whenavehicleisnolongerdetectedahead,the
systemandresettheICCswitchbypushing ICCsystemgraduallyacceleratesyourvehicleto
the CRUISE ON/OFFswitch again.) 1 System set display with vehicle aheadresumethepreviouslysetvehiclespeed.TheICC
For additional information about the VDC2System set display without vehicle aheadsystem then maintains the set speed.
sytem, refer to “Vehicle Dynamic ControlVehicle detected ahead Whenavehicleisnolongerdetected,thevehicle
(VDC) system”in this section. ahead detection indicator turns off.
● WhenABSorVDCisoperating Whenavehicleisdetectedinthelaneahead,theIf a vehicle ahead appears during acceleration to
ICC system decelerates the vehicle by control-the set vehicle speed or any time the ICC system
● When a wheel is slipping (To use the ICCling the throttle and applying the brakes to matchis in operation, the system controls the distance
system, make sure the wheels are no longerthe speed of a slower vehicle ahead. The systemto that vehicle.
slipping. Push the CRUISE ON/OFF switchthen controls the vehicle speed based on the
toturnofftheICCsystem,andresettheICCspeedofthevehicle ahead to maintain the driverWhen a vehicle is no longer detected under
system by pushing the CRUISE ON/OFFselected distance. approximately 15 mph (24 km/h), the system will
switch again.) be canceled.
5-48 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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