owners manual Mercedes GL
owners manual Mercedes GL - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GL, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Controls in detail
Useful features
Tele Aid The Tele Aid system To activate, press the SOS button, the
(Tele Roadside Assistance button • or
!The initial activation of the Tele Aid system matic Alarm Identification on the Information button ¡, depend-
may only be performed by completing the sub-Demand) ing on the type of response required.
scriber agreement and placing an acquaintance The Tele Aid system consists of three
call using the ¡ button. Failure to complete types of response:iThe SOS button is located in the overhead
either of these steps will result in a system that control panel ( page 34).
is not activated. automatic and manual emergencyThe Roadside Assistance button •
If you have any questions regarding activation, roadside assistance(page336) and the Information button ¡
please call the Response Center at information (page337) are located below the center arm-
1-800-756-9018 (in the USA) or rest cover.
1-888-923-8367 (in Canada).The Tele Aid system is operational provid-!The Tele Aid system utilizes the cellular
Shortly after the completion of your ing that the vehicles battery is charged, network for communication and the GPS (G lobal
Tele Aid acquaintance call, you will receive properly connected, not damaged and cel-Positioning System) satellites for vehicle loca-
a user ID and password. By visiting lular and GPS coverage is available.tion. If either of these signals are unavailable, the
www.mbusa.com and selecting “Tele Aid” The speaker volume of a Tele Aid call can Tele Aid system may not function and if this
(USA only), you will have access to account be adjusted by using the volume control on occurs, assistance must be summoned by other
information, remote door unlock and means.
the COMAND system or on the multifunc-
more. tion steering wheel. To raise, turn the rota-
ry volume control on COMAND system
clockwise or press button æ on the
multifunction steering wheel. To lower,
turn the rotary volume control on
COMAND system control counterclock-
wise or press button ç on the multi-
function steering wheel.
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year of production from: 2006
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Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual
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Mercedes Benz GL Class X164 owners manual
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