owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
Manufacturing phase collection networks in your area. Our collection net-Usethe roof rack only when necessary
NISSANplants based in the UK and Spain alreadyworks guarantee no cost for the treatment of yourOnlyinstall the roof luggage system when you really
achieve a recycling rate of over 90% and are look-ELV. For further information on how and where toneedit, otherwise put it inside the vehicle or store it
ing for further improvements. The UK plant installeddispose of your ELV refer to your local NISSANin your garage. Do not drive around with an empty
10windturbines to cut carbon dioxide emissions atdealer or consult: www.nissan-europe.com or con-roof rack, kayak holder, or ski rack, this will reduce
power plants by more than 3,000 tonnes per year.sult: www.nissan-global.com.your aerodynamic drag significantly.
NMISA (Spain) uses a solar panel water heatingPROTECTTHEENVIRONMENTOptimise the use of air conditioning
system to save energy. This will generate 33% ofWHENDRIVING
the energy consumed in the baths during the paint-YourdrivingbehaviourhassignificantimpactonfuelThe air conditioning system has a positive effect on
ing of your vehicle. economy and the environment. Follow the tips be-driving and vehicle safety through comfort cooling
Production and distribution phaselow for better fuel-efficiency, better driving habits,and dehumidifying, drivers are more alert and have
andtobeenvironmentallyfriendlybyreducingemis-better visibility when window demisting/defogging
Using resources efficiently to reduce the amount ofsions:becomesnecessary.However,useoftheaircondi-
wastegeneratedduringtheproductionanddistribu- tioning system will increase fuel consumption sub-
tion stage. NISSAN promotes activities based onFuel efficient drivingstantially in an urban environment. Optimise the use
Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling materials when-Anticipatingtrafficconditionsandactingaccordinglyof air conditioning by using the vents as much as
ever possible. NISSAN’s goal is to achieve a 100%reduces fuel consumption, helping to protect of ourpossible.
recycling rate for operations in Japan and globally.natural environment. Take your foot off the accelera-Usethe parking brake on slopes
Useandservice phase tor while approaching traffic lights and avoid lastUsetheparkingbrakewhenholdingyourvehicleon
NISSAN dealers are our window to you, our cus-minute braking when the light turns red.a slope. Avoid using the clutch (manual transmis-
tomer. In order to meet your expectations they pro-Avoid speeding, harsh acceleration, and strongsion) or the accelerator (continuously variable trans-
vide not only high quality services but are also envi-braking. The gain in time does not offset pollution ofmission) to hold your vehicle as this leads to unnec-
ronmentally responsible. NISSAN promotes activi-theenvironment.Trytomaintainspeedwhendrivingessary fuel consumption and wear.
ties to recycle the waste generated as a result ofuphill to reduce fuel consumption and pollution.
service centre activities. Maintain speed or allow the vehicle to go slowerMaintain a safe distance
where traffic allows. Anticipatetraffic conditions for a smoother drive and
Disposal phase Close windows when driving to assure comfort and safety during your trip. Drive
Recycle your end of life vehicle or its components.Driving with a window open at 100 km/h (62 MPH)and maintain a safe distance from other vehicles
WhenyourNISSANreachestheendofitslife, andincreases fuel consumption by up to 4%. Drivingwhile in traffic. This will help reduce fuel consump-
is no longer suitable for daily use, it still has value.with the windows closed allows for better fueltion as you will not be constantly tapping your
You can help prevent waste affecting the environ-economy.brakes.
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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