owners manual Chevrolet Spark
owners manual Chevrolet Spark - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - Chevrolet Spark M300 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Spark, year of production 2009 - 2016:
Chevrolet Spark Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-5853490) -Black plate (8,1)
2014 - crc - 9/3/13
13-8 Customer Information
Several Courtesy Transportationdestination with minimal interruption Courtesy Rental Vehicle
options are available to assist inof your daily schedule. This includes Your dealer may arrange to provide
reducing inconvenience whenone-way or round-trip shuttle service you with a courtesy rental vehicle or
warranty repairs are required.within reasonable time and distance reimburse you for a rental vehicle
Courtesy Transportation is not aparameters of your dealer's area.that you obtain if the vehicle is kept
part of the New Vehicle LimitedPublic Transportation or Fuelfor an overnight warranty repair.
Warranty. A separate bookletReimbursementRental reimbursement will be limited
entitled“Limited Warranty andIf the vehicle requires overnightand must be supported by original
OwnerAssistance Information”warranty repairs, and publicreceipts. This requires that you sign
furnished with each new vehicletransportation is used instead ofand complete a rental agreement
provides detailed warranty coverage your dealer's shuttle service, theand meet state/provincial, local, and
information. expense must be supported byrental vehicle provider requirements.
Transportation Optionsoriginal receipts and can only be upRequirements vary and may include
to the maximum amount allowed byminimumagerequirements,
Warranty service can generally beGMforshuttle service. In addition,insurance coverage, credit card, etc.
completed while you wait. However,for U.S. customers, should youYou are responsible for fuel usage
if you are unable to wait, GM helpsarrange transportation through acharges and may also be
to minimize inconvenience byfriend or relative, limitedresponsible for taxes, levies, usage
providing several transportationreimbursement for reasonable fuelfees, excessive mileage, or rental
options. Depending on theexpenses may be available. Claimusage beyond the completion of the
circumstances, your dealer can offer amounts should reflect actual costsrepair.
one of the following:and be supported by originalIt may not be possible to provide a
Shuttle Service receipts. See your dealer forlike vehicle as a courtesy rental.
Shuttle service is the preferredinformation regarding the allowance
meansofoffering Courtesyamounts for reimbursement of fuel
Transportation. Dealers may provide or other transportation costs.
shuttle service to get you to your

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year of production from: 2009

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Chevrolet Spark M300 owners manual
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