owners manual Hummer H3
owners manual Hummer H3 - year of production: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 - Hummer H3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hummer H3, year of production 2005 - 2010:
The rubber in tires degrades over time, even if they areThis way, your vehicle will continue to have tires
not being used. This is also true for the spare tire, ifthat are designed to give the same performance
your vehicle has one. Multiple conditions affect how fastandvehiclesafety, during normal use, as the
this aging takes place, including temperatures, loadingoriginal tires.
conditions, and inflation pressure maintenance. WithGM’s exclusive TPC Spec system considers over
proper care and maintenance tires will typically wear outa dozen critical specifications that impact the
before they degrade due to age. If you are unsureoverall performance of your vehicle, including
about the need to replace your tires as they get older,brake system performance, ride and handling,
consult the tire manufacturer for more information.traction control, and tire pressure monitoring
Buying New Tires performance. GM’s TPC Spec number is molded
onto the tire’s sidewall near the tire size. If the
GMhasdevelopedandmatchedspecifictiresfortires have an all-season tread design, the
your vehicle. The original equipment tires installedTPCspec number will be followed by a MS,
onyourvehicle, whenit was new, were designed tofor mud and snow. See Tire Sidewall Labeling
meetGeneralMotorsTirePerformanceCriteriaon page 5-55 for additional information.
Specification (TPC spec) system rating. If you needGMrecommends replacing tires in sets of four.
replacementtires, GM strongly recommends thatThis is because uniform tread depth on all
yougettires with the same TPC Spec rating.tires will help keep your vehicle performing
most like it did when the tires were new.
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year of production from: 2005
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