owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2012 - KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2012:
JD PE eng 4b (Audio).qxp 9/9/2015 5:11 PM Page 244
Features of your vehicle
✽✽ NOTICE - USING THE USB (Continued) (Continued)
DEVICE Some USB devices may not be sup- Do not use the USB I/F to charge
ported due to compatibility issues.batteries or USB accessories that
Connect the USB device after
Avoid contact between the USB generate heat. Such acts may lead
turning on the engine. The USB
connectorwith bodily parts orfor-to worsened performance or dam-
device may become damaged if it
eign objects. age to the device.
is already connected when the
Repeated connecting/disconnect- The device may not recognize the
ignition is turned on. The USB
ing of USB devices within shortUSB device if separately pur-
device may not operate properly if
periods of time may result in prod-chased USB hubs and extension
the car ignition is turned on or off
uct malfunction. cables are being used. Connect the
with the USB device connected.
A strange noise may occur when USB directly with the multimedia
Heed caution to static electricity
disconnecting the USB. terminal of the vehicle.
when connecting/disconnecting
Make sure to connect/disconnect When using mass storage USB
USB devices.
external USB devices with thedevices with separate logical
Encoded MP3 Players will not be
audio power turned off. drives, only files saved to the root
recognized when connected as an
The amount of time required todrive can be played.
external device.
recognize the USB device may dif- Files may not properly operate if
When connecting an external USB
fer depending on the type, size orapplication programs are installed
device, the device may not proper-
file formats stored in the USB.to the USBs.
ly recognize the USB is in some
Such differences in time are not The device may not operate nor-
indications of malfunctions. mally if MP3 Players, cellular
Only products formatted with
The device only supports USBphones, digital cameras, or other
byte/sectors under64Kbyte will be
devices used to play music files.electronic devices (USB devices
USB images and videos are notnot recognized as portable disk
This device recognizes USB
supported. drives) are connected with the
devices formatted in FAT 12/16/32
(Continued) device.
file formats. This device does not
recognize files in NTFS file for-
4 244
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manual KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual
pages 324 - 330
manual KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual
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