owners manual Hyundai Ioniq
owners manual Hyundai Ioniq - year of production: 2016 - Hyundai Ioniq Electric owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Ioniq, year of production 2016:
Multimedia System
Playing iPod files
i Information
Select [Play iPod files] to play ®
- Using Bluetooth (BT) Audio
songs saved on your iPod .
Bluetooth Audio mode can only be
If there are no songs saved on your ®
used if a Bluetooth-enabled phone
iPod , the [Play iPod files] is dis-
is connected. Only devices that sup-
abled. ®
port Bluetooth audio can be used.
If the Bluetooth-enabled phone is
disconnected during play, the music
When other music programs are stops.
running When the TRACK UP/DOWN but-
® tons are used during Bluetooth
When songs saved on your iPod
are playing through a separate music audio streaming, a popping noise or
app, the following screen is dis- sound interruptions may occur,
played. depending on the cell phone device.
(1)Play/Pause: Pause or play music. Depending on the cell phone model,
the audio streaming function may
(2)Play iPod files: Playusic sa mved not be supported.
on your iPod.
If a phone call is made or received
(3)Album Image:View playback info. ®
when music is playing in Bluetooth
Audio mode, the call may mix with
i Information the music.
Operation cannot be carried out cor- When returning to Bluetooth
® Audio mode afterending a call, play
rectly due to iPodapplication mal-
function. might not resume automatically for
some cell phone models.

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year of production from: 2016

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Hyundai Ioniq Electric owners manual
pages 321 - 327
Hyundai Ioniq Electric owners manual
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