owners manual Mercedes SL
owners manual Mercedes SL - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Mercedes Benz SL R230 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SL, year of production 2001 - 2012:
Tires and wheels
Treadwear Traction Temperature
The treadwear grade is a comparative rat-The traction grades, from highest to low-The temperature grades are A (the high-
ing based on the wear rate of the tire when est, are AA, A, B, and C. Those grades rep- est), B, and C, representing the tires resis-
tested under controlled conditions on a resent the tires ability to stop on wet tance to the generation of heat and its
specified government test course. For ex-pavement as measured under controlled ability to dissipate heat when tested under
ample, a tire graded 150 would wear one conditions on specified government test controlled conditions on a specified indoor
and one-half (1 /2) times as well on the surfaces of asphalt and concrete. A tire laboratory test wheel. Sustained high tem-
government course as a tire graded 100. marked C may have poor traction perfor-perature can cause the material of the tire
The relative performance of tires depends mance. to degenerate and reduce tire life, and ex-
upon the actual conditions of their use, cessive temperature can lead to sudden
however, and may depart significantly Warning! G tire failure. The grade C corresponds to a
from the norm due to variations in driving level of performance which all passenger
habits, service practices and differences in The traction grade assigned to this tire is car tires must meet under the Federal Mo-
road characteristics and climate. based on straight-ahead braking traction tor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 109.
tests, and does not include acceleration, Grades B and A represent higher levels of
cornering, hydroplaning, or peak traction performance on the laboratory test wheel
characteristics. than the minimum required by law.

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year of production from: 2001

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Mercedes Benz SL R230 owners manual
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