owners manual Peugeot Traveller
owners manual Peugeot Traveller - year of production: 2016 - Peugeot Traveller owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot Traveller, year of production 2016:
In the event of a breakdown
Disconnecting the battery Quick release terminal Following reconnection of the battery
After reconnecting the battery, switch on the
In order to maintain an adequate state ignition and wait 1 minute before starting to
of charge for starting the engine, it is allow initialisation of the electronic systems.
recommended that the battery be disconnected However, if minor problems persist following
if the vehicle is taken out of service for a long this operation, contact a PeugeoT dealer or a
period. qualified workshop.
Wait 2 minutes after switching off the ignition Referring to the corresponding section, you
before disconnecting the battery. must yourself reinitialise or reset certain
F close the windows and the doors before systems, such as:
disconnecting the battery, - the remote control or electronic key
F switch off all electrical consumers (audio (depending on version),
system, wipers, lighting, .),Disconnecting the (+) terminal- the electric windows,
F switch off the ignition and wait for four F Raise the lever A fully to release the - the date and time,
minutes. clamp B. - the radio preset stations.
Having exposed the battery, it is only
necessary to disconnect the (+) terminal.Reconnecting the (+) terminal
F Position the open clamp B of the cable on The Stop & Start system may not be
the positive post (+) of the battery.operational during the trip following the
F Press down on the clamp to position it first engine start.
correctly on the battery post. In this case, the system will only be
F Lock the clamp by lowering the lever A.available again after a continuous
period of immobilisation of the vehicle,
a period which depends on the ambient 8
Do not force the lever as locking will temperature and the state of charge of
not be possible if the clamp is not the battery (up to about 8 hours).
positioned correctly; start the procedure

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year of production from: 2016

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Peugeot Traveller owners manual
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