text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Hyundai Ioniq, year of production 2016:
Safety system of your vehicle
You will find many safety precautionsRestrain all children Driver distraction
and recommendations throughout
this section, and throughout this man-All children under age 13 should rideDriver distraction presents a serious
ual.The safety precautions in this sec-in your vehicle properly restrained in and potentially deadly danger, espe-
tion are among the most important.a rear seat, not the front seat. Infantscially for inexperienced drivers. Safety
and small children should beshould be the first concern when
restrained in an approprbehind the wheel and driate Childivers need to
Always wear your seat belt Restraint System. Larger childrenbe aware of the wide array of potential
should use a booster seat with thedistractions, such as drowsiness,
A seat belt is your best protection in
lap/shoulder belt until they can usereaching for objects, eating, personal
all types of accidents. Air bags are
the seat belt propergrooming, other passengersly without a , and
designed to supplement seat belts,
booster seat. using cellular phones.
not replace them. So even though
your vehicle is equipped with air bags, Drivers can become distracted when
ALWAYS make sure you and your they take their eyes and attention off
Air bag hazards
passengers wear your seat belts, and the road or their hands off the wheel
While air bags can save lives, they
wear them properly. to focus on activities other than driv-
can also cause serious or fatal
ing.To reduce your risk of distraction
injuries to occupants who sit too
and an accident:
close to them, or who are not prop-
ALWAYS set up your mobile devices
erly restrained. Infants, young chil-
(i.e., MP3 players, phones, naviga-
dren, and short adults are at the
tion units, etc.) when your vehicle is
greatest risk of being injured by an
parked or safely stopped.
inflating air bag. Follow all instruc-
tions and warnings in this manual. ONLY use your mobile device when
allowed by laws and conditions per-
mit safe use. NEVER text or email
while driving. Most countries have
laws prohibiting drivers from texting.
Some countries and cities also pro-
hibit drivers from using handheld
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