owners manual Suzuki SX4 S-Cross
owners manual Suzuki SX4 S-Cross - year of production: 2013 - Suzuki SX4 S Cross owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Suzuki SX4 S-Cross, year of production 2013:
The turn signal lights will flash once and during this time, the light will start to fade When the remote controller is within
the exterior buzzer
will sound once when out immediately. approximately 80 cm (2 1/2 feet) from a
the doors are locked, and then the turn sig-Be sure the doors are locked after you front door handle or the tailgate switch, you
nal lights will flash once and the exterior operate the request switch to lock the can lock or unlock the doors by pushing
buzzer will sound once again when the doors. the request switch.
doors are locked with the dead lock sys-
tem. NOTE: NOTE:
The door locks cannot be operated by • If the remote controller is outside the
A WARNING the request switch under the following request switch operating range
Do not activate the dead lock system conditions: described above, you will not be able to
if there are occupants in the - If any door is open or is not completely operate the request switch.
vehicle. • If the battery of the remote controller
They will be locked in the vehicle and closed. runs down or there are strong radio
cannot - If the ignition mode is other than
unlock the doors from inside. "LOCK" (OFF). waves or noise, the request switch oper-
To unlock a door or all doors: If no doors are opened within about 30 ating range may be reduced or the
• Push one of the request switches once seconds after unlocking the doors by remote controller may be inoperative.
to unlock only one door. pushing the request switch, the doors • If the remote controller is too close to the
• Push one of the request switches twice will be locked again automatically. door glass, the request switches may not
to unlock all doors. operate.
EXAMPLE • If a spare remote controller is in the vehi-
NOTE: cle, the request switches may not oper-
You can switch the function that unlocks all ate normally.
doors from twice operations to once opera- • The remote controller will only operate a
tion, and vice versa, via the setting mode request switch if it is within the switch's
of the information display. For details on operating range. For example, if the
how to use the information display, refer to remote controller is within the operating
"Information Display" in this section. range of the driver's door request switch
but not the front passenger's door
When the doors are unlocked: request switch or the tailgate request
• The turn signal lights will flash twice and switch, the driver's door switch can be
the exterior buzzer will sound twice. operated but the front passenger's door
• If the interior light switch is in the switch or tailgate switch cannot be oper-
"DOOR" position, the interior light will 80J056 ated.
turn on for about 15 seconds and then (1) 80 cm (2 1/2 feet)
fade out. If you press the engine switch

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year of production from: 2013

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instrukcja obsługi Suzuki SX4 S Cross Suzuki SX4 S Cross owners manual
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instrukcja obsługi Suzuki SX4 S Cross Suzuki SX4 S Cross owners manual
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