owners manual Mazda CX-3
owners manual Mazda CX-3 - year of production: 2015 - Mazda CX 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mazda CX-3, year of production 2015:
When Driving
Parking Sensor System
Do not install any accessories within the detection ranges of the sensors. It may affect
the system operation.
Depending on the type of obstruction and the surrounding conditions, the detection
range of a sensor may narrow, or the sensors may not be able to detect obstructions.
The system may not operate normally under the following conditions:
Mud, ice, or snow is adhering to the sensor area (Returns to normal operation when
The sensor area is frozen (Returns to normal operation when the ice is thawed).
The sensor is covered by a hand.
The sensor is excessively shocked.
The vehicle is excessively tilted.
Under extremely hot or cold weather conditions.
The vehicle is driven on bumps, inclines, gravel, or grass covered roads.
Anything which generates ultrasound is near the vehicle, such as another vehicle's
horn, the engine sound of a motorcycle, the air brake sound of a large-sized vehicle,
or another vehicle's sensors.
The vehicle is driven in heavy rain or in road conditions causing water-splash.
A commercially-available wing pole or an aerial for a radio transmitter is installed to
the vehicle.
The vehicle is moving towards a tall or square curbstone.
An obstruction is too close to the sensor.
Obstructions under the bumper may not be detected. Obstructions that are lower than
the bumper or thin which may have been initially detected but are no longer detected
as the vehicle approaches more closely.
The following types of obstructions may not be detected:
Thin objects such as wire or rope
Things which absorb sonic waves easily such as cotton or snow
Angular shaped objects
Very tall objects, and those which are wide at the top
Small, short objects
Always have the system inspected at an expert repairer, we recommend an Authorised
Mazda Repairer if any shock is applied to the bumpers, even in a minor accident. If the
sensors are deviated, they cannot detect obstructions.
The system may have a malfunction if the beep does not operate. Consult an expert
repairer, we recommend an Authorised Mazda Repairer.
The beeper which indicates a system malfunction may not be heard if the ambient
temperature is extremely cold, or mud, ice, or snow adheres to the sensor area.
Remove any foreign material from the sensor area.
When installing a trailer hitch, consult an expert repairer, we recommend an
Authorised Mazda Repairer.
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year of production from: 2015
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Mazda CX 3 owners manual
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