owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
pattern, an INFINITI dealer can conduct it6. Repeatsteps4and5atleast10times.Your vehicle is equipped with a variety of
for you. 7. Accelerate the vehicle to 55 MPH (88 computers that monitor and control a
km/h) and maintain the speed for at number of systems to optimize perfor-
WARNING least 3 minutes. mance and help service technicians with
diagnosis and repair. Depending on the
8. Stop the vehicle. Place the transmis- equipment on your vehicle, some of the
Always drive the vehicle in a safe and pru-sion gear selector lever in the “P” orcomputers monitor emission control sys-
dent manner according to traffic conditions“N”position.tems, braking systems and air bag sys-
andobeyalltrafficlaws. 9. Turntheengineoff. tems, just to name a few. Some data
about vehicle operation may be stored in
10.Repeat steps 1 through 8 at least one the computers for use during servicing.
1. Start the engine. Allow the engine tomoretime. Other data may be stored if a crash event
idle until the engine coolant tempera- occurs. For example, air bag readiness,
turegaugeneedlepointsbetweentheCIf step 1 through 7 is interrupted, repeat air bag performance, and seat belt use by
andH(normaloperatingtemperature).the preceding step. Any safe driving modethe driver or passenger may be recorded,
is acceptable between steps. Do not stop depending on vehicle equipment. These
2. Accelerate the vehicle to 55 MPH (88 theengineuntilstep7iscompleted.types of systems are sometimes called
km/h), then quickly release the accel- Event Data Recorders.
erator pedal completely and keep it re-
leasedforatleast10seconds. Special equipment can be used to access
3. Quickly depress the accelerator pedal the electronic data that may be stored in
the vehicle’s computers (sounds are not
for a moment, then drive the vehicle at recorded). INFINITI and INFINITI dealers
a speed of 53 to 60 MPH (86 to 96 have equipment to access some of this
km/h)foratleast9minutes. data; others may also have this equip-
4. Stop the vehicle. Leave the engine run- ment. The data may be retrieved during
ning. routine vehicle servicing or for special re-
search. It might also be accessed with
5. Accelerate the vehicle to 35 MPH (55 the consent of the vehicle owner or
km/h) and maintain the speed for 20 leasee, in response to a request by law
seconds. enforcement, or as otherwise required or
permitted by law.
9-24 Technical and consumer information
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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