owners manual Chevrolet Traverse
owners manual Chevrolet Traverse - year of production: 2008 - Chevrolet Traverse owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Traverse, year of production 2008:
Chevrolet Traverse Owner Manual - 2012 Black plate (17,1)
Vehicle Care 10-17
8. If the coolant level inside theEngine Overheating
radiator filler neck is low, addThe vehicle has several indicators
more of the proper DEX-COOLto warn of engine overheating.
coolant mixture through the filler
neck until the level is back up toThere is an engine coolant
the base of the filler neck.temperature gauge on the
9. Replace the pressure cap. Beinstrument panel cluster. See
sure to secure it tightly. At anyEngine Coolant Temperature Gauge
time during this procedure ifon page 5‑13.
coolant begins to flow out ofThe vehicle may also display
the filler neck, reinstall thean ENGINEOVERHEATED
pressure cap. IDLE ENGINEandENGINE
5. Fill the coolant recovery tank toNotice: If the pressure cap is notOVERHEATEDSTOPENGINE
the FULL COLD mark. tightly installed, coolant loss andmessageinthe Driver Information
6. Reinstall the cap on the coolantpossible engine damage mayCenter (DIC). SeeWarning Lights,
recovery tank but leave theoccur. Be sure the cap is properlyGauges, and Indicators on
radiator pressure cap off.andtightly secured. page 5‑10.
7. Start the engine and let it run You may decide not to lift the hood
until the upper radiator hose whenthis warning appears, but
feels warm. Any time during this instead get service help right away.
procedure, watch out for the SeeRoadsideAssistance Program
engine cooling fans. (U.S. and Canada) on page 13‑7or
Roadside Assistance Program
(Mexico) on page 13‑9.

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year of production from: 2008

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Chevrolet Traverse owners manual
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