owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
Audio/Hands–free system5-59
an incoming phone call. activated after making a call. Deacti-– Driving with a window open
Since the Bluetooth® format is wireless, avate the automatic dial lock function of– When air from the ventilator
connection between the in-vehicle equip-the cell phone before using the Hands-blows directly towards the micro-
ment and the cell phone can be madefree system. phone
without placing them in close proximity of. Dependingonthetypeofcellphone– Whenthesoundcomingfromthe
each other. The cell phone can be usedthat is used, operation and the soundventilator is loud
with it left in the breast pocket or bag.volume may be different from those of– When the cell phone is too close
cell phones currently used. to the microphone
NOTE . Whentheignitionswitchisturnedto. The sound quality may degrade due
. The Hands-free system may not the “LOCK”/“OFF” position during ato the influence of the cell phone that is
operate properly under the followingcall, the call may be disconnected orconnected to the system or the circum-
conditions. continued on the cell phone dependingstances of the Bluetooth network.
– The cell phone is turned off.on the type of cell phone that is used When another Bluetooth® device is
– The cell phone is not in theNote that operation of the cell phonesimultaneously connected, noise may
phone call area. may be necessary if the call is con-be heard in the voice coming from the
– The battery of the cell phone hastinued on the cell phone.hands-free phone.
run down. . Donotspeakatthesametimeasthe
– The cell phone is not connectedother party during a call. If you and the! Corresponding profiles for the cell
to the Hands-free system. other party speak at the same time, itphone
– Thecell phone is behind the seatmay be difficult for the other party to. HFP (Hands Free Profile): Ver. 1.0
or in the glove box. hear your voice and vice versa. This is. OPP(Object Push Profile): Ver. 1.1
– A metal material covers or
touches the cell phone. . The receiver sound volume should
be set as low as possible. Otherwise,
. Dependingonthetypeofcellphonethe party you are calling may notice an
that is used, the screen on the cellundesirable echo sound.
phone may remain illuminated while. Speak clearly and loudly.
the ignition switch is in the“ON”. It may be difficult for the other party
position. If this occurs, turn the illumi-to hear your voice under the following
nation off by adjusting the cell phoneconditions.
settings. – Driving on a rough road
. Depending on the setting of the cell– Driving at a high speed
phone, the dial lock function may be

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year of production from: 2012

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