owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
BSWSYSTEMLIMITATIONS – A vehicle which your vehicle over-– Ice/frost/snowbuild-upon the
takes rapidly. vehicle
WARNING – Avehiclethatpassesthroughthede-– Dirt build-up on the vehicle
Listedbelowarethesystemlimitationsfortection zone quickly.● Do not attach stickers (including trans-
the BSW system. Failure to operate the– When overtaking several vehicles inparent material), install accessories or
vehicle in accordance with these systema row, the vehicles after the first ve-apply additional paint near the radar
limitationscouldresultinseriousinjuryorhicle may not be detected if they aresensors. These conditions may reduce
death. traveling close together. the ability of the radar to detect other
● The BSW system cannot detect all ve-● Theradarsensors’detection zone isvehicles.
hicles under all conditions. designed based on a standard lane● Excessive noise (for example, audio
● The radar sensors may not be able towidth. When driving in a wider lane,system volume, open vehicle window)
detect and activate BSW when certainthe radar sensors may not detect ve-will interfere with the chime sound, and
objects are present such as: hiclesinanadjacentlane.Whendriv-it may not be heard.
– Pedestrian, bicycles, animals.ing in a narrow lane, the radar sen-
sors may detect vehicles driving two
– Vehicles such as motorcycles, lowlanes away.
heightvehicles,orhighgroundclear-● The radar sensors are designed to
ance vehicles. ignore most stationary objects, how-
– Oncomingvehicles. ever objects such as guardrails,
– Vehicles remaining in the detectionwalls, foliage and parked vehicles
zone when you accelerate from amayoccasionallybedetected.Thisis
stop. a normal operation condition.
– A vehicle merging into an adjacent● Thefollowing conditions may reduce
lane at a speed approximately thetheabilityoftheradartodetectother
sameasyourvehicle. vehicles:
– A vehicle approaching rapidly from– Severeweather
behind. – Roadspray
Starting and driving 5-27

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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