owners manual Chevrolet Captiva
owners manual Chevrolet Captiva - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 - Chevrolet Captiva owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Captiva, year of production 2006 - 2015:
Chevrolet Captiva Sport Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Mexico-Black plate (70,1)
6014141) - 2014 - crc - 8/13/13
10-70 Vehicle Care
to a remote negative(−) terminal{Caution Towing the Vehicle
on the vehicle with the dead
battery. If the jumper cables are {Caution
9. Connect the other end of theconnected or removed in the
negative(−) cable away from thewrong order, electrical shortingIncorrectly towing a disabled
dead battery, but not nearmayoccur and damage thevehicle may cause damage. The
engine parts that move. Thevehicle. The repairs would not bedamagewouldnotbecoveredby
electrical connection is just ascovered by the vehicle warranty.the vehicle warranty. Do not lash
good there, and the chance ofAlways connect and remove theor hook to the chassis
sparks getting back to thejumper cables in the correct order,components—including the front
battery is much less. making sure that the cables doand rear subframes, suspension
10. Nowstart the vehicle with thenot touch each other or othercontrol arms, and links— during
good battery and run themetal. towing and recovery of a disabled
engine for a while. vehicle, or when securing the
11. Press the unlock symbol on theJumperCable Removalvehicle. Use the proper nylon
remote keyless entry strap harnesses around the tires
transmitter to disarm yourReverse the sequence exactly whento secure the vehicle.
security system, if equipped.removing the jumper cables.
12. Try to start the vehicle that had Havethe vehicle towed on a flatbed
the dead battery. If it will not car carrier. A wheel lift tow truck
start after a few tries, it could damage the vehicle.
probably needs service. Consult your dealer or a
professional towing service if the
disabled vehicle must be towed.

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year of production from: 2006

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Chevrolet Captiva owners manual
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