text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X6M F16, year of production 2014:
Seite 31
Opening and closing Controls
▷ The settings are automatically saved in the▷ Show visual warning for the Park Distance
profile currently activated in the remote Control PDC, refer to page 112.
▷ Show visual warning for Top View, refer to
▷ The remote control used is detected when page 115.
the vehicle is unlocked and the stored proѪ
▷ Show Side View, refer to page 117.
file is called up.
▷ Backup camera:
▷ Your personal settings will be recognized
▷ Function selection, refer to page 114.
and called up again even if the vehicle has
▷ Type of display, refer to page 115.
been used in the meantime by someone
else with another remote control. ▷ Lane departure warning: last setting, on/
off, refer to page 93.
The individual settings are stored for a maxiѪ
mum of four remote controls. They are stored▷ Head-up Display: selection, brightness and
for two remote controls if Comfort Access is inposition of the display, refer to page 118.
▷ Adaptive Drive: selected chassis and susѪ
pension tuning, refer to page 100.
Personal Profile settings
▷ Light settings:
The following functions and settings can be
▷ Triple turn signal activation, refer to
stored in a profile.
page 65.
More information on the settings can be found
▷ Welcome lamps, refer to page 81.
▷ Headlamp courtesy delay feature, refer
▷ Assigning the programmable memory butѪ
to page 82.
tons, refer to page 23.
▷ Daytime running lights, refer to
▷ Response of the central locking system
page 82.
when the car is being unlocked, refer to
page 32. ▷ High-beam Assistant, refer to
page 83.
▷ Automatic locking of the vehicle, refer to
page 35. ▷ Automatic climate control with 2-zone conѪ
trol: settings, refer to page 122.
▷ Driver's seat, exterior mirror and steering
wheel positions, refer to page 50. ▷ Navigation:
▷ Settings for the display on the Control DisѪ ▷ Voice activation, refer to page 171.
play and in the instrument cluster:
▷ Route criteria, refer to page 169.
▷ 12h/24h clock format, refer to
▷ Map view settings, refer to page 173.
page 78.
▷ Entertainment:
▷ Date format, refer to page 79.
▷ Tone control, refer to page 180.
▷ Brightness of the Control Display, refer
▷ Radio, stored stations, refer to
to page 79.
page 188.
▷ Language on the Control Display, refer
▷ CD/multimedia, audio source listened
to page 79.
to last, refer to page 190.
▷ Units of measure for fuel consumption,
▷ Telephone: volume, refer to page 230.
distance covered/remaining distances,
and temperature, refer to page 79.
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