owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
306 Stowageareas
Useful information Always be particularly careful around the
exhaust tail pipe and the tail pipe trim. Allow
iThisOperator'sManualdescribes all thesecomponentstocooldownbeforetouch-
modelsandallstandardandoptionalequip-ing them.
mentofyourvehicleavailableatthetimeofThe handling characteristics of a laden vehi-
publication of the Operator's Manual.cle are dependent on the distribution of the
Country-specific differences are possible.load within the vehicle. For this reason, you
Please note that your vehicle may not beshould observe the following notes when
equipped with all features described. Thistransporting a load:
also applies to safety-related systems and
functions. RNeverexceedthemaximumpermissible
featuresist workshops (Y page 27). ratingforthevehicle(includingoccupants).
The values are specified on the vehicle
and identification plate on the B-pillar of the
Stowageareas driver's door.
Loading guidelines RThecargocompartmentisthepreferred
owage place to carry objects.
St GWARNING RPositionheavyloadsasfarforwardsaspos-
Combustion engines emit poisonous exhaustsible and as low down in the cargo com-
gasessuchascarbonmonoxide.Ifthetailgatepartment as possible.
is open when the engine is running, particu-RTheloadmustnotprotrudeabovethe
larly if the vehicle is moving, exhaust fumesupper edge of the seat backrests.
could enter the passenger compartment.RAlwaysplacetheloadbehindunoccupied
There is a risk of poisoning. seats if possible.
Turn off the engine before opening the tail-RHookinthecargonetwhenloading.
gate. Never drive with the tailgate open.RSecuretheloadwithsufficientlystrongand
wear-resistant tie-downs. Pad sharp edges
GWARNING for protection.
If objects, luggageorloadsarenotsecuredor
not secured sufficiently, they could slip, tipStowagespaces
occupants. There is a risk of injury, particu-Important safety notes
larly in the event of sudden braking or a sud-
den change in direction. GWARNING
Always store objects so that they cannot beIf objects in the passenger compartment are
flung around. Secure objects, luggage orstowed incorrectly, they can slide or be
loads against slipping or tipping before thethrown around and hit vehicle occupants.
journey. There is a risk of injury, particularly in the
GWARNING event of sudden braking or a sudden change
in direction.
The exhaust tail pipe and tail pipe trim can
becomeveryhot. If you come into contact
yourself. There is a risk of injury.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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