owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
Driving your vehicle
Electronic stability control Electronic stability control (ESC) willThe Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
(ESC) not prevent accidents.system is an electronic systemExcessive
speed in turns, abrupt maneuvdesigned to help the drers iver maintain
and hydroplaning on wet surfacesvehicle control under adverse condi-
can still result in serious accidentstions.It is not a substitute for saf.e driv-
Only a safe and attentive driver caning practices. Factors including speed,
prevent accidents broad conditions and dry avoiding iver steering
maneuvers that cause the vehicle toinput can all affect whether ESC will be
lose traction. Even with ESCeffective in preventing a loss of control.
installed, always follow all the normalIt is still your responsibility to drive and
precautions for driving - includingcorner at reasonable speeds and to
driving at safe speeds for the condi-leave a sufficient margin of safety.
tions. When you apply your brakes under
conditions which may lock the wheels,
OCK057151N you may hear a “tik-tik’’ sound from the
brakes, or feel a corresponding sensa-
The Electronic Stability control
(ESC) system is designed to stabi- tion in the brake pedal. This is normal
lize the vehicle during cornering and it means your ESC is active.
maneuvers. ESC checks where you
are steering and where the vehicle is ✽✽ NOTICE
actually going. ESC applies the Aclick sound may be heard in the
brakes on individual wheels and
intervenes with the engine manage- engine compartment when the vehi-
ment system to stabilize the vehicle. cle begins to move after the engine is
started. These conditions are normal
and indicate that the Electronic
Stability Control System is function-
ing properly.
5 56
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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