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owners manual Nissan Altima

owners manual Nissan Altima - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Altima L32 IV 4 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (5.54 MB) 344 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Altima, year of production 2007 - 2012:
FUELRECOMMENDATION ● Do not use E-85 fuel in your vehicle.patibility for your NISSAN cannot be readily de- For 2.5L engine Your vehicle is not designed to run ontermined. If in doubt, ask your service station E-85 fuel. Using E-85 fuel can damagemanager. Use unleaded regular gasoline with an octanethe fuel system components and is notIf you use oxygenate-blend gasoline, please take rating of at least 87 AKI (Anti-Knock Index) num-coveredbytheNISSANnewvehiclelim-the following precautions as the usage of such ber (Research octane number 91).ited warranty. fuels may cause vehicle performance problems For 3.5L Gasoline specifications and/or fuel system damage. NISSAN recommends the use of premium un-NISSANrecommendsusinggasolinethatmeets● Thefuel should be unleaded and have leaded gasoline with an octane rating of at leastthe World-Wide Fuel Charter (WWFC) specifi-an octane rating no lower than that 91 AKI (Anti-Knock Index) number (Researchcationswhereitisavailable.Manyoftheautomo-recommendedforunleadedgasoline. octane number 96). If unleaded premium gaso-bile manufacturers developed this specification● If an oxygenate-blend other than lineisnotavailable,youmayuseunleadedregularto improve emission control system and vehiclemethanol blend is used, it should con- gasoline with an octane rating of at least 87 AKIperformance. Ask your service station manager iftain no more than 10% oxygenate. number (Research octane number 91), but youthe gasoline meets the WWFC specifications.(MTBE may, however, be added up to maynotice a decrease in performance.Reformulated gasoline15%.) CAUTION Somefuelsuppliersarenowproducingreformu-● If a methanol blend is used, it should lated gasolines. These gasolines are speciallycontain no more than 5% methanol ● Using a fuel other than that specifieddesigned to reduce vehicle emissions. NISSAN(methyl alcohol, wood alcohol). It could adversely affect the emissionsupports efforts towards cleaner air and sug-should also contain a suitable amount control system, and may also affect thegests that you use reformulated gasoline whenof appropriate cosolvents and corro- warranty coverage. available. sion inhibitors. If not properly formu- ● Under no circumstances should a lated with appropriate cosolvents and leaded gasoline be used, because thisGasoline containing oxygenatescorrosion inhibitors, such methanol will damage the three-way catalyst. blendsmaycausefuelsystemdamage Somefuelsupplierssellgasolinecontaining oxy-and/or vehicle performance problems. genates such as ethanol, MTBE and methanolAtthistime,sufficientdataisnotavail- with or without advertising their presence.abletoensurethatallmethanolblends NISSANdoesnotrecommendtheuseoffuelsofare suitable for use in NISSAN ve- which the oxygenate content and the fuel com-hicles. Technical and consumer information 9-3 ZREVIEWCOPY—2007Altima (alt) Owners Manual—USA_English (nna) 10/27/06—debbieX
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year of production from: 2007

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Nissan Altima L32 IV 4 owners manual
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