owners manual KIA Ceed
owners manual KIA Ceed - year of production: 2012 - KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Ceed, year of production 2012:
JD PE eng 4b (Audio).qxp 9/9/2015 5:10 PM Page 222
Features of your vehicle
VOICE COMMAND Skipping the Guidance Ending Voice Command
(If equipped) Message
While using voice command, press
and hold the key (over 0.8 sec-
Starting Voice Command While the guidance message is
onds) to end voice command.
being stated, shortly press the
key (under 0.8 seconds) to discontin- While using voice command,
ue the guidance message and soundpressing the steering wheel
To start voice command, shortly
press the key on the steering remote controller or a different key
the “beep”.
wheel remote controller. After the “beep”, say the voice com- will end voice command.
If voice command is in [Normal In a state where the system is wait-
Mode], then the system will saying for your voice command, say
“Please say a command.Beep” “cancel” or “end” to end voice com-
❈If voice command is in [Expert mand.
Mode], then the system will only In a state where the system is wait-
say a “Beep-” ing for your voice command, short-
❈Setting Voice command [Normal ly press the key (under 0.8
Mode]/[Expert Mode]: seconds) to end voice command.
Press the key Select
[System] through the TUNE
knob or 4 key Select [VRS
Mode] through the TUNE
knob Set [Normal Mode]/[Expert
Say the voice command.
Forpropervoice recognition, say the
voice command after the guidance
message and the “Beep” sound.
4 222
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year of production from: 2012
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manual KIA Ceed II 2 owners manual
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