owners manual Saab 9-5
owners manual Saab 9-5 - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Saab 9 5 I 1 YS3E owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Saab 9-5, year of production 1997 - 2005:
30 Safety
AIR BAG warning light Scrapping or working on airbags Frequently asked questions on func-
and belt pretensioners tion of airbags
WARNING Do you still need to wear a safety belt if air-
WARNING bags are fitted?
• If the air bag readiness light stays on Yes, always! The airbag merely supple-
after you start your vehicle, it means • Under no circumstances may any ments the car’s normal safety system.
the air bag system may not be working modifications be made that affect the Moreover, the airbag will only be actuated in
properly. steering wheel or the airbag’s electri-a moderate to severe frontal, or near-frontal
• The air bags in your vehicle may not cal circuitry. collision, which means, of course, that it pro-
inflate in a crash, or they could even vides no protection in minor frontal colli-
inflate without a crash. • Before starting any welding work on sions, major rear-end or side-on collisions
the car, always disconnect the nega-or if the car rolls over.
• To help avoid injury to yourself or oth-tive (–) battery lead and cover the con-The safety belts help reduce the chance of
ers, have your vehicle serviced right ductor. the car occupants from being thrown around
away if the air bag readiness light • Airbags and belt pretensioners must and injured inside the car.
stays on after you start your vehicle.be deployed under controlled condi-But they also ensure that, if a collision
SRS servicing tions before the car is scrapped or any occurs in which the airbags are inflated, the
of the system’s components are airbag will make the optimum contact with
The SRS must be inspected as part of the removed. Airbags or belt pretension-the occupant, i.e. square on from the front.
normal service program but otherwise may ers that have been deployed as a If the occupant meets the airbag in an offset
be regarded as maintenance-free. result of an accident must be replaced position, the protection afforded will be
by new ones. reduced.
In addition, airbags provide no protection
• Airbag-system components must against a secondary impact occurring in the
never be transferred for use in another same incident. So there is no doubt about
vehicle. the benefit of wearing safety belts at all
• All work involving the scrapping or times.
replacement of airbags or belt preten-Do not sit too close to the airbag: it needs
sioners must only be carried out by room to inflate.
knowledgeable personnel. The airbag inflates very quickly and power-
fully in order to protect an adult person in a
serious frontal collision.

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year of production from: 1997

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Saab 9 5 I 1 YS3E owners manual
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