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owners manual Peugeot 1007

owners manual Peugeot 1007 - year of production: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Peugeot 1007 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (3.22 MB) 132 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 1007, year of production 2004 - 2009:
100 - Comfort Comfort - 101 GENERAL POINTS RELATING INSTALLING A CHILD SEAT TO CHILD SEATS USING A THREE POINT SEAT Although one of PEUGEOT's main BELT criteria when designing your vehicle, "Rearwards-facing" "Forwards-facing" the safety of your children also de- When a "rearwards-facing" When a "forwards-facing" child seat pends on you. child seat is installed on is installed on the front passenger For maximum safety, the front passenger seat, seat, adjust the vehicle's seat to the please follow these precau- it is essential that the pas-intermediate longitudinal position tions: senger air bag** is disarmed. Oth-with the seat back upright and leave erwise, the child would risk being the passenger air bag armed**. seriously injured or killed if the air - since 1992, and in accordance with bag were to inlate. Directive 2000/3, all children un- der the age of 12 must travel in approved child seats* suited to their weight, on seats itted with a seat belt or ISOFIX mountings**. - statistically, the safest seats in your vehicle for the transpor- tation of children are the rear seats, - a child weighing less than 9 kg must travel in the "rearwards- facing" position both in the front and in the rear. PEUGEOT recommends that chil- dren should travel in the rear seats of your vehicle: - "rearwards-facing" up to the age of 2, - "forwards-facing" over the age of 2. * According to current legislation in Intermediate longitudinal the country. position ** According to model. 01-10-2005 01-10-2005
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year of production from: 2004

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