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owners manual Land Rover Defender

owners manual Land Rover Defender - year of production: 1983 - Land Rover Defender III gen owners manual EN

Document: pdf (10.53 MB) 173 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Land Rover Defender, year of production 1983:
R Alarm 8.Turn the starter switch to position II and back to 0 the required number of times to enter the fourth digit of the code, then finally, open and close the driver's door one more time. If the code has been entered correctly, the alarm indicator will extinguish, the alarm will stop sounding and the engine can be started. If an incorrect code has been entered: If the code is entered incorrectly, the alarm sounder will sound twice, the alarm indicator will continue to illumina te and the engine will fail to start. Before entering the code again, turn the starter switch to position II and hold in this position for five seconds. After three failed entry attempts, the security system invokes a delay period of 30 minutes, during which the system w ill not accept further attempts to enter a code. Memorise the emergency key access code or keep the Security card on your person, in case of emergencies. Never leave the card in the vehicle. Deactivating the alarm when triggered If the alarm has been triggered it can be deactivated by pressing either of the remote control buttons. 37
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year of production from: 1983

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